
Feb 14, 2023


Dear Friends,


A huge thank you to all of you who have reached out personally to send me your kind support and to those who continue to read my emails.


I'd like to share how I have experienced the process of letting go of things I have been deeply attached to, be it a job, a relationship, and of course, alcohol. Each time has been a profound life-changing experience.


In Buddhist Philosophy they use the word 'clinging'.  When we are clinging to anything external, such as the things above, or internal things, as in feelings like peace or happiness that we want (all the time), then we suffer.


Clinging puts us in a constant state of dependency. A mindset that 'I am only OK if ........'.  When we have the thing we want we worry about losing it, when we lose it we obsess about how we can get it back. This takes a lot of energy, so we never feel truly at peace. 


The more things I have let go of in life, the less inner turmoil.  When I'm not not using my energy to cling, it starts to flow, and gradually I become unblocked. This leads to more clarity and the ability to be more and more present to what is happening in each moment.  

Letting go releases the pressure and the tension of clinging. 


With less tension and attachment we can begin to access our inner knowing, and this allows us to let go of more, because you've experienced the benefits of the process and learn to trust in yourself and your inner resources.


For a number of years I have been practicing letting go.  First alcohol, next sugar, from there a brief flirtation with nicotine (my nemesis), then diet sodas, and recently a job I loved but was causing inner conflict.


I have used many tools, books, teachers, coaches, and connecting to self (my way of seeing meditation). I now love nothing more than sharing and supporting others in this process.


If you are interested in exploring the letting go process, be it for alcohol or beyond alcohol I would love to hear from you.


I will be sending more details on programs that will be available soon, in the meantime please feel free to reach out via email if you'd like to arrange a brief chat about getting support,


Warmest Regards,

