How Can We Change The Way We See Alcohol - And Break The Chain

Jan 12, 2025


A recent group call inspired this blog post. It's about the extraordinary way we can change how we see alcohol so that it doesn't feel like we're giving something up. Once we have this mindset, not drinking becomes the reward, not the booby prize!

How Can We Change How We See Alcohol?

 When I was drinking regularly and rather exuberantly, alcohol was may more than just a drink—it became a companion. It accompanied me to experiences, helped relieve my social anxiety, and became a tool for coping with grief and depression. Eventually, it became hard to imagine life without it, my relationship with it wasn’t healthy, and it was more of a chain than a choice.

 I understand all too well how breaking free of alcohol’s hold can feel daunting, But in brief moments I can forget just how attached I was.

 From my personal experiences and those of the people I’ve worked with, I know how daunting breaking free from alcohol’s grip can feel. Yet, in brief moments I can forget just how deeply attached I once was.

 A recent group discussion reminded me again, and today I’m sharing a few transformative strategies we use to rewire our brains. These strategies help shift the focus from fear and deprivation to excitement, fulfillment, and a greater sense of freedom and control.

 The Impact of Triggers and Associations

 Triggers play a significant role in our relationship with alcohol—they’re the cues that initiate the habit loop:

Trigger → Action → Reward → Repeat.

 Triggers can be people, places, visual cues, emotions, or specific times and occasions. When we’re caught in a drinking cycle, our brains create powerful associations that link these cues to the perceived rewards of alcohol.

 For example, the airport lounge was a huge trigger for me. Each time I was there, my brain would flood with reward-seeking chemicals (dopamine), and cravings would take over. The association between the lounge and drinking was deeply ingrained.

 Now, when I’m at the airport, the thought of drinking rarely crosses my mind—if anything, it’s the opposite. How did this happen?

 Thankfully, our brains are capable of rewiring! Through neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to change—we can reshape our neural pathways and transform how we see alcohol.

 Here’s how my perspective shifted:

 Before: Alcohol = fun, reward, relaxation, excitement, connection, numbing and, escape.

Now: Alcohol = pain, regret, disappointment, fear, lost time, damaged relationships, and poor health.

 In the group discussion, one member shared their new association with Monday mornings. What once meant exhaustion, regret, and guilt now represents opportunity, possibility, and excitement.

 How Neuroplasticity Works to Transform Associations

 Shifting behaviors and associations is all about carving out new neural pathways. The process is intentional and surprisingly straightforward:

  •  Identify the negative consequences of alcohol: Be honest about its impact on your life.
  • Pinpoint your triggers: Understand what situations, emotions, or cues lead you to drink.
  • Expose yourself to triggers intentionally: Then focus on the negative consequences drinking would create.
  • Choose a new action: Decide not to drink and engage in a more positive activity.
  • Reward yourself: Close the habit loop by celebrating your choice.

Repeat: Over time, this repetition creates stronger, healthier neural pathways and changes how you see alcohol.

Important: Rewards are essential for rewiring because they accelerate the formation of new associations.

The Reward System: The Key To Building New Pathways

 Every time you resist the urge to drink and reward yourself, you’re reinforcing a new association—one that connects the absence of alcohol with pleasure and accomplishment.

Rewards don’t have to be elaborate. It could be as simple as treating yourself to a favorite activity, indulging in a hobby, or even acknowledging your progress.

Small victories, celebrated consistently, make the choice to stay alcohol-free easier over time and when alcohol begins to equate to pain, not pleasure it's much easier to say no!

Thanks as always for reading,



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